Get A Free Market Appraisal For Your Commercial Property

Learn How Your Business Can Benefit From Working With The Largest Independent Agency In The North East

Sell for free

Sell for free

We offer a ZERO fee for the seller in all our commercial auctions. As the costs are paid for by the buyer, this means you can sell your property for free.


29 Interlinked Branches

We are the largest North East based estate agent able to offer your property to a wider audience. Many commercial sales partners appreciate being able to meet face to face - our offices are open longer than any of our competitors to get your property's sold fast.


All businesses welcome, anywhere, anytime

Our agency team actively deal in all commercial property types. This includes retail, office, industrial, and development site instructions across the areas covered. Our boundary areas range from the Northumberland northern border through to North Yorkshire and everything in between including, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Gateshead, South Tyneside, Wearside, County Durham, and Teesside.


Over 40 years experience

Unrivalled experience of the North East property market with local knowledge. We know who's interested in purchasing your commercial property, where they are and how much they'd be willing to pay. This means your property gets sold faster than with any other agent in the North East.

What Do We Offer?

Sales & Lettings

Sales & Lettings

Clients can expect a service that will be delivered in a professional manner as Chartered Surveyors combined with a direct, robust and pro-active approach to marketing property across the North East region.

Our agency team actively deal in all commercial property types. This includes retail, office, industrial, and development site instructions across the areas covered. The choice of instructing Keith Pattinson Limited automatically triggers a sales and marketing process including the efforts of sales teams operating out of 28 agency offices across the region, the commercial department, our call centre and the auction department.

Business Disposal

Business Disposal

Our agency team possesses extensive experience in the sale of businesses across the North East region. As such we are able to provide a sensitive approach to marketing if required. We typically deal with small to medium sized going concerns of various types, particularly in the retail, leisure and food sectors. To this end, we are happy to provide assistance in the early stages of a business being potentially offered to the market. We are happy to offer our opinion of the likely level of interest and comparable evidence relevant to a possible instruction.



Keith Pattinson Limited, have successfully delivered its’ auction service for over fifteen years. In that time, we have become recognised nationally as the North East specialist for residential and commercial instructions. The auction deals with many different types of residential and commercial property extensively utilised by fellow commercial agents, recognised organisations, including local authorities, accountancy practises, law firms and house builders through to private individuals.

This service is currently utilised by recognised organisations including local authorities and house builders through to private individuals. The choice of entering property into our auction automatically triggers a sales and marketing process including the efforts of sales teams operating out of 28 agency offices across the region, the commercial department, the call centre and the auction department itself.

In response to growing demand we are now delivering our successful auction facilities countrywide. Once again, the service allows for taking instructions of commercial and residential properties of various types from a variety of different sources.


Corporate Services for Auction Disposal of repossessed and insolvency related property

This service will allow you to instruct for a subject property to be inspected and have a market valuation/marketing appraisal undertaken prior to instruction if required. You will then deal with the same team once you instruct to sell at auction with all updating and marketing issues thereafter to be dealt with through one department.

Repossessed or distressed sale property is entered unconditionally at an agreed guide price. The lender may set a reserve price at the date of instruction or shortly before the property is entered into auction. All legal documentation must be produced and available prior to the date of the auction and in sufficient time allowing interested parties and their advisors to examine the content. Our sales and marketing coverage will ensure full exposure over a relatively short marketing process.

Valuation & Appraisal

Valuation & Appraisal

Pattinson Commercial offer a range of Market Valuation services for various purposes and many commercial property types across the North East.


Commercial Energy Performance Certificates

We provide Commercial Energy Performance Inspections at extremely competitive rates. Changes to legislation effective from 1st of October 2008, now means that many commercial properties require an EPC on completion or construction, a sale or letting. The EPC will provide an energy rating, similar to that given on residential property, so potential buyers and sellers can consider energy efficiency as part of their investment or business decision to buy or occupy a building. An EPC is required for a building when constructed, sold or let.

For the purposes of the regulations for a building to fall within the requirement it must have a roof, walls and use energy to condition the indoor climate. Services that are considered to condition the indoor climate can include: space heating, mechanical ventilation or air conditioning. This is a statutory obligation and should your property fall within the act you must obtain and EPC certificate. To arrange your EPC inspection, or for more information please call, Pattinson Commercial department on, 0845 146 1586, and we will arrange your inspection for the earliest possible time.